
Persian Poetry Proverbs

A timeless work with a preface by Mohammad Ali Islami Nadooshan. This book, whose proverbs have been used in speeches by great literary figures, politicians, and scholars of Iran, has gained a special status and has been accepted by professors and researchers.

Shahnameh, the Shield of Persian Language Victory

A timeless work with a preface by Mir Jalal al-Din Kazzazi. The Shahnameh has endured more than a thousand years of ups and downs, the bitter and sweet of time, and has always been a source of pride for every pure-blooded Iranian. This renowned book was the constant companion of the late Mohammad Ali Haghighat Semnani for over forty years.

A Cluster from Each Harvest

A Cluster from Each Harvest is a collection of literary works and monographs by Mohammad Ali Haghighat Semnani that have been published across various social and literary journals in Iran, including the Kaveh Magazine. These scattered pieces have been compiled into a book and made available to enthusiasts.